Co WorkersPAUL ESHLEMANMultiplikasi6 years agoApril 6, 2020968Paul Eshleman Vice President of Coverage Paul became a Campus Crusade for Christ staff member in 1966. Since then he...
Co WorkersBEKELE AND SHEWAYE SHANKOMultiplikasi6 years agoMarch 30, 2020571Bekele and Shewaye Shanko Vice President of Global Church Movements Bekele and Shewa Shanko Bekele Shanko, born and raised in...
Co WorkersSTEVE AND JUDY DOUGLASSMultiplikasi6 years agoApril 6, 2020664Steve and Judy Douglass President, Cru Steve Douglass is president of Cru, as the ministry is known in the United...