In this digital era nowadays, the development of technology runs very fast. Just look at Smartphone products, which developed tremendously. Other products that use digital technology are also growing very fast, as well. This is the era we are living. Seekers are also looking for ‘truth’ through digital world. In order to serve them, we approach them digitally.
That is why equipping staff members who are serving in this ministry, (after Workshop for Indonesian staff), there was also a meeting with around 40 staff members from several ASEAN countries. The event was called Digital School of Leadership (DSL) which was held at Puri Saron Hotel, at Denpasar – Bali, on 5-7 November, 2018.
Basics of the importance of Digital Ministry, how to develop existing tools, Personas, Branding, Digital Maturity, Transformational Leadership, and how to start digital ministry in a new area, all were learned and discussed thoroughly. These 3 days were very short compare to many lessons that are mostly new to some of us. We are grateful for supportive environment being build between new DS Staff and those who have already started and part of this ministry few years ago.
According to Simon, one of Digital ministry’s international leaders: “This is the answer to our prayers, because of the positive response from staff and many are willing to be involved.” Phoebe from Vietnam: “This is my dream come true, taking part in this event and get to know and learn from those who have previously served through this path. ”
There were many ‘to do list” as action points after this event. It’s not enough just to be enthusiastic, but ‘what after DSL’ is very important. It’s a privileged and we really are thankful to join this special school.
Pray that everything planned will be done and become reality. ( By WS translate by RS)
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