



By God’s Grace this year LPMI is celebrating its 50th years of serving the Lord in Indonesia.  A period of time of experiencing God’s great faithfulness in serving in Indonesia. Although there are still many shortcomings here and there, the gratitude of all leaders and staff were manifested in 3 successive events occurred in 27th of July to 2nd of August 2018.


Voices of testimonies of senior staff members who initiated this Institution’s service 50 years ago were still ringing. After getting the vision, Rev. Ais Pormes invited several friends to initiate LPMI in Indonesia. Then sent the first staff to attend GCTC in Manila-Philippines, followed by several other staff members. Beginning in the 70’s they recruited staff members from Indonesia, in 1974 the GCTC training began for staff members in Jakarta, then ministries developed in several strategic cities in Indonesia.


If at present there are 350 staff members serving the Lord through LPMI, it is all due to God’s grace and the hard work of senior staff members in the past. We really appreciate ministries they have already done which shape LPMI today.

On August 2, 2018, located at “Balai Samudra” Building, the expression of praise was stated. Together with 2000 partners: students, church leaders and donors who were present that night, together we raised our thanksgiving for God’s guidance and leading in the development of LPMI ministries. Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong delivered the sermon, giving encouragement to all staff members and partners, to be more dependent on God and not humans.

The theme “Unity in Harmony” feels more and more in line with the situation we are facing in LPMI which from August became one operationally – “IndonesiaOne”. And of course, as part of the nation, which also emphasizes the importance of “Unity in Diversity”. Congratulations from Partner churches, pastors and friends were sent and expressed through the many boards of flowers we have received.


Let us pray together that in entering its new phase, God will use LPMI continuously as a means and channel of blessing to many people in Indonesia. So that more and more people believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, also more young people will have the burden and be committed to be God’s servants and serve Him. (By WS)


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